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Trapped in a Flexbox
The code progresses, and so do my difficulties.
The more JavaScript I learn, the more power I unlock… but the problems I face become more complex as well.
I’ve been working on learning functions, but I think you might say I am function(ally) illiterate at this point in time. I just can’t get them to work right unless I copy and paste direct examples from my lessons or gitHub.
Ironically though, the biggest issue I’m facing right now is more a matter of pride than anything else. I’ve been trying to use a flexbox to reposition pieces of my page, and it’s not working.
This is despite the fact that I’ve used flexboxes before and understand how they work. I just can’t make this one work. I wonder if it might have something to do with the js.
I’m almost through with my beginner js course, and I’m looking to take some more advanced ones next that will teach the mechanics of what I want my app to do.
For the moment my goal is to get the JavaScript to grab the information from an HTML form on my practice web page. It’s… not going well. I guess my other goal is to get the CSS flexbox working, but that feels less important. My apps probably won’t require complex CSS, and if they do I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Now I’m going to go learn more code… or just pass out for a few hours. My brain hasn’t quite decided.